China National Standards (GB) Download
CIRS Food Regulation Team provides some important and common China national standards (GB) for you to download, which the Chinses version is free. If you would like to get the English version of certain China national standards, please contact us.

1. Basic China National Standards Download

GB 2760-2014
CN Name: 食品添加剂使用标准
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for the Usage of Food Additives
Relevant Articles: .html

GB 14880-2012
CN Name: 食品营养强化剂使用标准
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for the Usage of Nutrition Enrichment
Relevant Articles:  nutrition_enrichment.html

GB 7718-2011
CN Name: 预包装食品标签通则
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food
Relevant Articles:  nutrition_enrichment.html  food.html

GB 28050-2011
CN Name: 预包装食品营养标签通则
EN Name: General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
Relevant Articles:  food.html  food.html

GB 2761-2017
CN Name: 食品中真菌毒素的限量
EN Name: Food Safety National Standard for Maximum Levels of Mycotoxins in Food

GB 2762-2017
CN Name: 食品中污染物限量
EN Name: Food Safety National Standard for Maximum Levels of Contaminant in Food

GB 2763-2016
CN Name: 食品中农药最大残留限量
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide in Food

GB 29921-2013
CN Name: 食品中致病菌限量
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Maximum Levels of Pathogens in Foods
Relevant Articles: pathogens.html

GB 29924-2013
CN Name: 食品添加剂标识通则
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for General Rules for the Labeling of Food Additives

GB 29938-2013
CN Name: 食品用香料通则
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for General Rules for Food Flavoring

2. Specific Products China National Standards Download


GB 7100-2015
CN Name: 饼干
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Biscuits

GB/T 20980-2007
CN Name: 饼干
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Biscuits
Relevant Articles:


GB 19399-2016

CN Name: 糖果
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Candy

GB/T 23823-2009
CN Name: 糖果分类
EN Name: Candy Classify


GB 9678.2-2014

CN Name: 巧克力、代可可脂巧克力及其制品
EN Name: Chocolate, Chocolate with Cocoa Butter Alternatives and Their Products

GB/T 19343-2016
CN Name: 巧克力及巧克力制品、代可可脂巧克力及代可可脂巧克力制品
EN Name: Chocolate and Chocolate Products and Chocolate with Cocoa Butter Alternatives and Their Products

Milk and dairy products

GB 19644-2010

CN Name: 乳粉
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Milk Powder
Relevant Articles:

GB 19302-2010
CN Name: 发酵乳
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Fermented Milk
Relevant Articles:

GB 25191-2010
CN Name: 调制乳
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Modified Milk
Relevant Articles:

GB 25190-2010
CN Name: 灭菌乳
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Sterilized Milk
Relevant Articles:

GB 19645-2010
CN Name: 巴氏杀菌乳
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Pasteurized Milk
Relevant Articles:

GB 19301-2010
CN Name: 生乳
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Raw Milk
Relevant Articles:

GB 11674-2010
CN Name: 乳清粉和乳清蛋白粉
EN Name: Whey Powder and Whey Protein Powder
Relevant Articles:

GB 19646-2010
CN Name: 稀奶油、奶油和无水奶油
EN Name: Cream, Butter and Anhydrous Milkfat
Relevant Articles:

GB 5420-2010
CN Name: 干酪
EN Name:  Food Safety National Standards for Cheese
Relevant Articles:

GB 25192-2010
CN Name: 再制干酪
EN Name:  Food Safety National Standards for Process(ed) Cheese
Relevant Articles:

Alcoholic beverages

GB/T 17204-2008
CN Name: 饮料酒分类
EN Name: Classification of Alcoholic Beverages

GB 2757-2012
CN Name: 蒸馏酒及其配制酒
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Distilled Liquor and Its Integrated Liquor

GB 2758-2012
CN Name: 发酵酒及其配制酒
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Fermented Liquor and Its Integrated Liquor

GB 15037-2006
CN Name: 葡萄酒
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Wines


GB/T 10789-2015

CN Name: 饮料通则

EN Name: General Standard for Beverage

GB/T 29602-2013
CN Name: 固体饮料
EN Name: Solid Beverage

GB 7101-2015
CN Name: 饮料
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Beverages

GB/T 10792-2008
CN Name: 碳酸饮料(汽水)
EN Name: Carbonated Beverages

GB 2759.2-2003
CN Name: 碳酸饮料卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Carbonated Drinks

GB/T 21733-2008
CN Name: 茶饮料
EN Name: Tea Beverages

GB 19296-2003
CN Name: 茶饮料卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Tea Beverages

GB/T 21732-2008
CN Name: 含乳饮料
EN Name: Milk Beverages

GB 11673-2003
CN Name: 含乳饮料卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Milk Beverages

GB 15266-2009
CN Name: 运动饮料
EN Name: Sports Beverages

GB 19297-2003
CN Name: 果、蔬汁饮料卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Fruit and Vegetable Juice

GB/T 31121-2014
CN Name: 果蔬汁类及其饮料
EN Name:  Fruit & Vegetable Juices and Fruit & Vegetable Beverage (Nectars)

GB 31326-2014
CN Name: 植物饮料
EN Name: Botanical Beverage

GB/T 30767-2014
CN Name: 咖啡类饮料
EN name: Coffee Based Beverages

Foods for infants and young children

GB 10765-2010

CN Name: 婴儿配方食品
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Infant Formula

GB 10767-2010
CN Name: 较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品
EN Name: Older Infants and Young Children Formula

GB 10769-2010
CN Name: 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品
EN Name: Cereal-based Complementary Foods for Infants and Young Children

GB 10770-2010
CN Name: 婴幼儿罐装辅助食品
EN Name: Canned Complementary Foods for Infants and Young Children

Foods for special purpose

GB 13432-2013

CN Name: 预包装特殊膳食用食品标签
EN Name: General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food for Special Dietary Uses
Relevant Articles: .html

GB 29922-2013
CN Name:

EN Name: General Rules for Foods for Special Medical Purpose

GB 25596-2010
CN Name: 特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品通则
EN Name: General Rules for Infant Formula for Special Medical Purpose

Dietary Supplement

GB 16740-2014
CN Name: 保健食品
EN Name: Dietary Supplement
Relevant Articles:

GB 17405-1998
CN Name: 保健食品良好生产规范
EN Name: Good Manufacture practice for health food

Food Contact Material

GB 9685-2016

CN Name: 食品接触材料及制品用添加剂使用标准
EN Name:
National Standard for the Uses of Food Additives in Food Contact Materials and Articles

GB 9684-2011
CN Name: 不锈钢制品
EN Name: Stainless Steel Products

GB 4803-1994
CN Name: 食品容器、包装材料用聚氯乙烯树脂卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride Resin Used as Food Container and Packaging Material

GB 4806.1-2016
CN Name: 食品接触材料及制品通用安全要求 (CN version free download)
EN Name: General Safety Requirements for Food Contact Materials and Articles

GB 9683-1988
CN Name: 复合食品包装袋卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Composite Laminated Food Packaging Bag

GB 9687-1988
CN Name: 食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Polyethylene Products Used as Food Containers and Tablewares

GB 9688-1988
CN Name: 食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Polypropyrene Products Used as Food Containers and Tablewares

GB 9689-1988
CN Name: 食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Polystyrene Products Used as Food Containers and Tablewares

GB 9690-2009
CN Name: 食品容器、包装材料用三聚氰胺-甲醛成型品卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Melamine-Formaldehyde Products Used as Food Containers and Packaging Materials


GB 14930.2-2012

CN Name: 消毒剂
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Disinfectant

GB 2716-2005
CN Name: 食用植物油卫生标准
EN Name: Hygienic Standard for Edible Vegetable Oil

GB 14884-2016
CN Name: 蜜饯
EN Name: Food Safety National Standards for Preserved Fruits

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