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ECHA is to Improve the Compliance of Registration Dossiers

from ECHA by


ECHA is to improve the compliance of registration dossiers. Progress has been made with evaluation but further measures are planned to raise the percentage of dossiers checked and increase efficiency.

In accordance with the requirements of REACH, ECHA needs to check the compliance of at least 5 % of registrations. Up to now, ECHA has checked more than 2 700 dossiers for compliance. For high-volume substances, the checks cover 25 % of the substances.

As a next step, ECHA is preparing an action plan to increase actions for compliance checks. ECHA is committed to screening all registered substances by 2027, and checking compliance of all substances that include substances that have hazardous properties or where more data needs to be generated to conclude a potential risk.

However, ECHA does not have the legal mandate to revoke market access based on its compliance checks. If companies do not provide the necessary safety information, national authorities are responsible for enforcing the law.



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